Academic success is at the core of everything we do at GGC.

GGC students benefit from technology in every classroom, free tutoring to gain an academic boost, an Honors Program that elevates academic rigor, multiple certifications and certificate options to enhance your degree, and faculty-mentored research, academic internships and student organizations that apply theory to real-world practice. It’s all here at GGC.

GGC offers 21 majors
GGC offers 60 plus programs of study
24 / 7 Tutoring Services
Average GGC class size is 18 students in fall 2024

Academic Schools

    School of Business

    The School of Business (SBA) encourages its students to succeed by combining rigorous academics with real-world experiences: internships, study-abroad programs and service learning projects.

    Visit School of Business

    School of Education

    In partnership with Gwinnett County Public Schools, the School of Education prepares GGC students to become certified teachers using progressive integrated instruction in real-world classrooms. Graduates of GGC programs enter the workforce ready to teach from day one.

    Visit School of Education

    School of Health Sciences

    The School of Health Sciences equips GGC students with vital competencies necessary to provide evidence-based care and to serve as leaders in a dynamic and complex health care system. Graduates of GGC programs are in high demand, and answer a critical local and national need.

    Visit School of Health Sciences

    School of Liberal Arts

    The School of Liberal Arts provides students with innovative, multidisciplinary curriculum that spans a multitude of interests to explore. GGC graduates complete capstone experiences – real-world internships and service projects that put academic theories to practice. Translation? GGC graduates are prepared for career success.

    Visit School of Liberal Arts

    School of Science and Technology

    The School of Science and Technology offers cutting-edge courses that take GGC students to the next step in their academic and professional careers. Internships, faculty-mentored projects, course-embedded research and technology-enhanced learning opportunities – starting freshman year – provide GGC graduates with a competitive edge.

    Visit School of Science and Technology

    Additional Academic Offerings

    Army ROTC

    Want to serve your countryÌýArmy ROTCÌýprovides students from all academic majors a unique pathway into a post-graduate career as a military officer.

    Georgia Film Academy

    GGC cinema and media arts production majors benefit from professional training, internships, apprenticeships and job placement opportunities from theÌýGeorgia Film Academy.

    Nexus Degrees

      Motion picture set lighting

      The nexus degree in motion picture set lighting is an experiential program that provides students with hands-on, real-world understanding of electrical distribution and the operations of set lighting (design, planning and execution of lighting professional settings) necessary to facilitate entry-level jobs in film and television production. Through their coursework, students learn practical skills and knowledge of lighting theory to develop advanced skills in lighting sets and locations for motion pictures or episodic series. Students are trained on how to operate industry equipment, the best practices in lighting, networking practices and workplace etiquette.

      Potential Careers

      • Lighting technicians (rigging grip, rigging gaffer)
      • Lighting designer
      • Camera operators, television, video and motion pictures
      • Broad cast technicians

      Learn more aboutÌýhow nexus degree students benefit from professional training, internships, apprenticeships and job placement opportunities from GGC's partnership with the Georgia Film Academy.

      °ä´Ç²Ô³Ù²¹³¦³ÙÌý@emailÌýwith questions or to learn more.

      • Course catalog requirements and program plan for a

      Production design

      The nexus degree in production design is an experiential program that provides students with hands-on, real-world experience performing the day-to-day activities of the production field. Students will be trained on how to operate industry equipment, the best practices in production, industry resume and networking practices, and workplace etiquette. Production design includes all of the visual elements that make up a film, television show or theater production. Production designers oversee the overall look and feel of a production, working with a team that creates props and sets, and manages the location scouting department.

      Potential Careers

      • Set and exhibit designers
      • Camera operators, television, video and motion pictures
      • Art director
      • Production designer
      • Prop master
      • Location scout

      Learn more about how nexus degree students benefit from professional training, internships, apprenticeships and job placement opportunities fromÌýGGC's partnership with the Georgia Film Academy.

      °ä´Ç²Ô³Ù²¹³¦³ÙÌý@emailÌýwith questions or to learn more.

      • Course catalog requirements and program plan for a

      Production for film and television

      The nexus degree in production for film and television is an experiential program that provides students with hands-on, real-world experience performing the day-to-day activities of the production field. Students will be trained on how to operate industry equipment, the best practices in production, industry resume and networking practices, and workplace etiquette. Students also gains skills in lighting design through an understanding of electrical distribution and the operations of set lighting (design, planning and execution of lighting professional settings) necessary to facilitate entry-level jobs in film and television production. Production is the process through which a film or television series is produced, involving a number of complex stages, a variety of technologies and cinematic techniques.

      Potential Careers

      • Lighting technicians
      • Camera operators, television, videoÌýand motion pictures
      • Director of photography
      • Set and exhibit designers

      Learn more about how nexus degree students benefit from professional training, internships, apprenticeships and job placement opportunities fromÌýGGC's partnership with the Georgia Film Academy.

      °ä´Ç²Ô³Ù²¹³¦³ÙÌý@emailÌýwith questions or to learn more.

      • Course catalog requirements and program plan for aÌý

      Professional editing for film and television

      The nexus degree in professional editing for film and television is an experiential program that provides students with hands-on experience with the tools and techniques of post-production for careers in editing. ÌýStudents participate in creative, narrative editing projects to demonstrate proficiency in post-production theory and practice. Editing is the manipulation and arrangement of shots used to structure and present film/video information in ways that convey content visually to viewers. This includes film, television, advertisement, video essays, etc.

      Potential Careers

      • Film and video editors
      • Camera operators, television, video and motion pictures
      • Video technicians
      • Special effects artists and animators
      • Media technical directors/managers
      • Broadcast technicians

      Learn more about how nexus degree students benefit from professional training, internships, apprenticeships and job placement opportunities fromÌýGGC's partnership with the Georgia Film Academy.

      °ä´Ç²Ô³Ù²¹³¦³ÙÌý@emailÌýwith questions or to learn more.

      • Course catalog requirements and program plan for a

      Professional sound design for film and television

      The nexus degree in professional sound design for film and television is an experiential program that provides students with hands-on experience with the tools and techniques of post-production for careers in sound editing. The final and most important element needed to create an immersive film/television experience for the audience. Sound designers work in post-production by recording, acquiring, manipulating or generating audio elements that enhance the mood, atmosphere and/or tone of a film/television episode. Sound design components include sound effects (SFX), mixing, foley, dialogue and music.

      Potential Careers

      • Sound engineering technicians
      • Sound editor or mixer
      • Audio technicians
      • Media technical directors/managers
      • Broadcast technicians
      • ADR editor

      Learn more about how nexus degree students benefit from professional training, internships, apprenticeships and job placement opportunities from GGC's partnership with the Georgia Film Academy.

      °ä´Ç²Ô³Ù²¹³¦³ÙÌý@emailÌýwith questions or to learn more.

      • Course catalog requirements and program plan for a

      Articulation Agreements and Health Care, Engineering Pre-advising

      Interested in pursuing a graduate program or career in health care or engineering? Gain a competitive advantage with course choices, mentoring and research opportunities that start during your GGC freshman year.

      Advising, advising checklists and articulation agreements extend to opportunities to earn associates, master’s and doctorate degrees from other institutions.

      School of Business

        Business Administration: 2+2 Agreement with Gwinnett Technical College

        Any students who successfully complete all requirements for the Associate of Science (AS) in General Business degree program at Gwinnett Technical College (GTC), and who is otherwise eligible for admission will, upon application, be accepted at ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø (GGC) and may transfer the credits from the AS in General Business to the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree program at GGC’s School of Business. Note: only the AS in General Business degree program at GTC is acceptable for this articulation program. No other degree program, diploma or certificate from GTC, be it business or another discipline, is covered.

        GGC School of BusinessÌýcontact:ÌýSBAAdvising@ggc.edu

        Information Technology: 4+1 Agreement with Kennesaw State University

        StudentsÌýgraduating with a ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø (GGC) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree will be automatically admitted to the Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) program at Kennesaw State University (KSU) if they meet the following criteria:

        Satisfies KSU Graduate College Admission Requirements

        • Provides resume / vita
        • Provides statement of purpose
        • Provides two letters of recommendation
        • Has overall GPA of 2.75 or higher from GGC

        GGC School of BusinessÌýcontact: Dr. Melinda Cline, professor of management information systems,Ìýmcline@ggc.edu

        KSU Contact: Dr. Lei Li, MSIT coordinator and professor of information technology,Ìýlli13@kennesaw.edu

        Supply Chain: 4+1 Agreement with Clayton State University

        Students graduating with a ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø (GGC) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree will be automatically admitted to the Master of Science in Supply Chain Analytics program at Clayton State University (CSU) if they meet the following criteria:

        Satisfies CSU Graduate College Admission Requirements

        • Provides resume / vitaÌý
        • Provides statement of purpose
        • Provides two letters of recommendation
        • Has an overall GGC GPA of 2.75 or higher

        GGC School of BusinessÌýcontact: Dr. Sanjaya Mayadunne, associate professor of decision sciences and management information systems,Ìýsmaydunne@ggc.edu

        CSU Contact: Dr. Kimberly Johnson, associate professor of management,Ìýkimberlyjohnson@clayton.edu

        School of Science and Technology

          Anesthesiologist assistant: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-anesthesiologist assistant (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Clinical laboratory science or medical technology: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-clinical laboratory science or pre-medical technology (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýforÌýmore information about pre-health careers.

          Dental hygiene: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-dental hygiene (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Dentistry: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-dentistry (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Engineering: USG Regents' Engineering Pathway

          GGC participates in the Regents' Engineering Pathway (REP), which makes engineering programs more accessible to students throughout Georgia.

          Participation in REP saves students money in tuition, fees, housing and meals, while attending college closer to home for the first two years of study. GGC professors also work closely with program coordinators from participating institutions to align program curriculum needs. This coordination assures a seamless transfer to the engineering school of choice to complete your bachelor's degree.

          REP Transfer Options

          REP Requirements

          • Satisfy all courses required for admission of regular transfer students to any of the participating institutions.
          • Complete all required math and science, as well as some engineering courses, at GGC (Listed in Appendix A of the REP Agreement (PDF) on the USG website).
          • Review REP information and the REP Agreement (PDF) on the USG website for more information.

          Admission requirements, including GPA, vary at the partner institutions. Visit the institution's website to review requirements.

          Medicine: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-medicine (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Medicine: doctor of osteopathic medicine NYITCOM articulation agreement

          GGC has developed an agreement with the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM) to offer eligible students early interview and admissions consideration. Program applicants must have completed their first two years of undergraduate education at GGC and meet and maintain the following criteria:

          • Enter the program at the end of their second undergraduate year and apply at the end of their third year.
          • Maintain the overall grade point average of 3.5
          • Earn an MCAT score (on the MCAT taken no later than June 30 of the third academic year) at least equal to the mean MCAT score of the NYITCOM first-year class at the applicable NYITCOM campus for the year the student began the undergraduate study.
          • Complete a minimum of 8 hours of biology (course/lab), 8 hours each of general chemistry and organic chemistry (course/lab), 8 hours of physics (course/lab), and 6 hours of English, with no grade below C in any of these courses or labs.

          Note: Candidates will be held to the same rigorous admissions standards as other applicants, and final decisions will be solely at the discretion of NYITCOM.

          Contact your faculty mentor or GGC’s School of Science and Technology (@email)Ìýto learn more about this agreement or your intent to apply.

          Learn more about the degree and admission requirements forÌýthe doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) from theÌý.

          Medicine: doctor of osteopathic medicine PCOM articulation agreement

          GGC has developed an agreement with the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) to offer eligible students consideration from the faculty committee on admissions at PCOM provided students meet defined criteria including but not limited to the following:

          • Declare their intent to apply for enrollment in the program during their sophomore year at GGC.
          • Complete the undergraduate course requirements as listed in PCOM's catalog.
          • Earn (on the 4.0 grading system) a grade point average of at least 3.25 through the end of junior year.
          • Take the Medical College Admissions Test as early as possible but no later than the Fall of the senior year.
          • Earn a minimum score of the fiftieth percentile (50%) in each section of the MCAT.
          • ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø to PCOM through AACOMAS no later than Oct. 31 of the senior year and submit the PCOM supplemental application (with application fee) no later than Nov. 30 of the senior year.
          • Submit a letter of recommendation from an osteopathic physician (DO).

          Note: The final decision on admission to the DO program will be made by PCOM's faculty committee on admissions after the candidate has had a formal PCOM interview.

          Contact your faculty mentor or GGC’s School of Science and Technology (@email) to learn more about this agreement or your intent to apply.

          Learn more about the degree and admission requirements of theÌý.

          Occupational therapy: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-occupational therapy (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Optometry: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-optometry (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Pharmacy: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌý±è°ù±ð-±è³ó²¹°ù³¾²¹³¦²âÌý(±Ê¶Ù¹ó)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Pharmacy: PharmD early assurance program

          GGC partners with the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) to offer eligible students majoring inÌýbiologyÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýchemistryÌýan opportunity to enter pharmacy school after completing their junior year at GGC. Following their second year of pharmacy school, eligible students receive their bachelor’s degree from GGC, then continue in the program to earn a doctorate from PCOM.

          This agreement allows students to begin their careers early while saving tuition dollars.

          Contact your faculty mentor or GGC’s School of Science and Technology (@email) to determine if PharmD Early Assurance Program is right for you.

          Learn more about degree and admission requirements for a doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.

          Physical therapy: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-physical therapyÌý(PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Physician assistant: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-physician assistant (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Radiologic science: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-radiologic science (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Respiratory therapy: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-respiratory therapy (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.

          Veterinary medicine: pre-advising

          Learn more aboutÌýpre-veterinary medicine (PDF)Ìýand the classes generally needed prior to applying to programs at other institutions. Students are strongly advised to check with the program they plan to apply to for specific prerequisites.

          ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ôÌý@emailÌýfor more information about pre-health careers.